WebControl accessories
The WebControl board supplied by CAI is a useful, powerful,
inexpensive PLC. Its biggest single limitation to me, has
been the 16-pin header for analog and digital inputs.
While the 8 TTL outputs are brought to screw-terminals for
easy connection, the inputs have always posed problems.
Enter the WebAmp Terminal boards and now introducing: WebAmpPLUS boards
Initially conceived merely as a breakout board, the inclusion
of opamps and passive components for input conditioning, options
for alternative power, input pullup, pulldown, filtering or diode
clamping makes the board a "must have" accessory rather than a
mere convenience.
Major changes with this board over the V1.2 boards are:
- 20-turn trimpots to set the amplifier gains exactly
- Input conditioning configuration area
- Addition of +V connection for powering analog devices
- Inclusion of pads and tracks for (optional) on-board 5V regulator
- Improved input pullup resistor layout
- SOIC chip for a less cluttered layout
The WebControlV2 board is available either as
- a bare board only
- a kit with IC pre-soldered to the board
- a kit plus regulator/heatsink with IC pre-soldered to the board
- a fully assembled and tested board (without regulator)
- a fully assembled and tested board (including regulator)
You can purchase these boards online now.
An assembled Base WebAmpV2 board. |

Viewed from above.

Viewed from below.

Attached to WebControl.

Schematic Diagram.

Board layout.
Collection of WebControlPLC manuals for reference.
Instructions for Assembling your WebAmpV2 board